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anacrotic wave

См. также в других словарях:

  • anacrotic wave — the wave on a tracing of an anacrotic pulse …   Medical dictionary

  • wave — 1. A movement of particles in an elastic body, whether solid or fluid, whereby an advancing series of alternate elevations and depressions, or rarefactions and condensations, is produced. 2. The elevation of the pulse, felt by the finger, or… …   Medical dictionary

  • anacrotism — Peculiarity of the pulse wave. See anacrotic pulse. SYN: anadicrotism. [G. ana, up, + krotos, a beat] * * * anac·ro·tism ə nak rə .tiz əm n an abnormality of the blood circulation characterized by a secondary notch in the ascending part of a… …   Medical dictionary

  • Pulse — The rhythmic dilation of an artery resulting from beating of the heart. It is often measured by feeling the arteries of the wrist. * * * Rhythmic dilation of an artery, produced by the increased volume of blood thrown into the vessel by the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Dicrotic pulse — A dicrotic pulse[1] is a type of pulse characterized by a percussion wave in systole and a prominent dicrotic wave in diastole. Physiologically, the dicrotic wave is the result of reflected waves from the lower extremities and aorta. Conditions… …   Wikipedia

  • pulsus — SYN: pulse. [L. a stroke, pulse] p. abdominalis SYN: abdominal pulse. p. alternans SYN: alternating pulse. p. anadicrotus SYN: anacrotic pulse. p. bigeminus SYN: bigeminal pulse. p. bisferiens SYN: bisferious pulse. p. caprisans a bounding… …   Medical dictionary

  • ascending limb — 1. the distal part of the loop of Henle (ansa nephroni); see under ansa. 2. the ascending portion of a tracing of the pulse wave obtained by the manometer or the sphygmograph; called also anacrotic l …   Medical dictionary

  • dicrotic pulse — a pulse whose tracing has two peaks instead of the usual one, the second one coming during diastole as an exaggeration of the dicrotic wave. See also anacrotic p. and catadicrotic p …   Medical dictionary

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